Jonny 5 is alive

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It has been a while. Hope you are all well. Some time a go I heard Paul De Jong when I attended a conference at Abundant Life Bradford, his preaching style and wisdom was great. I have come across his blog and resources. Below is an excerpt from his blog that I thought would bless you:

Thought: “Effective sustainable leadership requires a commitment to replenishment.”
Ask yourself this question, what is my replenishment plan? As leaders we are constantly giving out and as we carry such a large emotional load, without the input we just cannot expect to last. This year it is our family’s 24th Hillsong, 24 years of committing to be refreshed in this environment on an annual basis. I had to learn this the hard way years ago but replenishment is not a luxury, it’s a mandatory part of my planning schedule.

I would say if you are constantly giving out, you need at least three times a year where you place yourself in an environment of major input. Consider this, if we constantly give out of our emotional world and do not replace what we have been giving out, we will end up leading dry. Input needs to match output for us to remain balanced.


It reminds me of a film I watched the other day called Short Circuit, a classic, Jonny Five is alive. Ever since I became a Christian I have hungered after input. I use the covenant seminary website called worldwide classroom. I download Abundant life messages, I listen to Mark Driscoll at Marshill Bible church, I have just downloaded all of Paul De Jong’s messages and am working through them. I read at least a book a month. I read my bible.

I believe we have a responsibility to grow. We do this to allow God to shape us and mold us into the people we are meant to be. So we can either be a couch potatoes or a go getter.

May you seek input, may you allow God to grow you and may you become a go getter not a couch potato.

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