Emeli Sandé – Read All About It (Pt. III)
The lyrics of this song are great.
As a Christian I believe we have the words to change a nation, in fact our nation has been shaped on Christianity, to deny that would be to deny history. The word of God, the bible is powerful and life changing. If we respond to it in the way that Jesus teaches.
Sadly in our name there has also been some terrible things done and we must not deny that. But we are not to sit back like scared puppies we are not meant to be afraid of saying something wrong. Many a good thing has come out of following the teachings of the bible.
So come on. We have the hearts of lions, lets not let our voices be tamed. We are called to be different and to live a life that honors God. Following Jesus. We are not ashamed of this. Its not politically incorrect to say hey I believe in Jesus and I will live a life that displays this for all to see.
We are called to be light that fights the shadows. As Jesus reminds us we need to stop hiding it away. So come on.
This is something to sing and shout about. To scream until we can’t scream anymore. Jesus is alive and has changed my life, I am dedicated to following Him. This is something that is newsworthy to put in all the papers, so they can read all about it, read all about it.
As a follower of Jesus I have a voice as valid as the next guy. Yes that’s right I matter and you matter to. We have found the truth and if the truth is forbidden then we are breaking all the rules. It’s about time we got some positive airplay of our version of events.
You see we have no need to be afraid, because we can do all things in Him who strengthens us Philippians 4:13
God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and discipline. So lets find our voice and make a difference.