Here I am
Now there was a disciple at Damascus named Ananias, the Lord said to him in a vision “Ananias” And he said “Here I am Lord” Acts 9:10
I don’t know about you but I love it when God speaks, whether it be through a vision, a dream, a word from a person, the still small voice of the Holy Spirit or simply reading the bible. I crave for God to speak all the time.
What spoke to me this morning in my devotion time was Ananias response “Here I am Lord”. His response here reminds me of a soldiers response to the call of a commanding officer. Hearing the call and a willingness to do whatever is asked.
It’s not enough to be in a place where you hear from the Lord as amazing as that is. We to should respond with “Here I am Lord” yes I will do as you have asked.
Ananias was sent to the most deadly of men, a persecutor of the very faith that he held, it could have meant certain imprisonment and death. But his “Here I am” attitude took him on his way. It led him to set free the apostle Paul a man with a calling on his life to bring the gospel to the non-Jewish world. (A Billy Graham of his time, except on steroids lol)
Ananias heard from God and responded. Itdoesnt matter how foolish we will look or whether we face certain death we must respond “Here I am Lord”