Be together

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The Holy Spirit led me to read Acts 1:12-14. So I read it over and over and studied it, all the time asking God ‘What do you want me to share?I believe God has revealed 3 points from the scripture to share today.


They were together in the upper room. But it goes deeper than that. The bible says they were all with one mind. Some versions say with one accord.

This phrase is found 6 times in the book of Acts, there was a wonderful unity that bound them together. The kind of unity that we need today.

It’s important that we have faith in one another.

We need each other to complete the task that God has given us as a church.

We are in this together. Standing together.

I wonder whether the Holy Spirit would have fallen if there was no unity?

Will you stand with us as we move into the future that God has for us?

Will you play your part?

Lets enter the future as a church that is known for our expectancy and togetherness.

My prayer is for a fresh unity to fall.

We have been through some tough times over the years, its time we saw breakthrough.

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