Love God, Love People, Make Disciples
Our vision is to make disciples that are characterised by, putting CHRIST AT THE CENTRE of their lives, CONNECTING in community, GROWING in their lives and faith and are REACHING out with the good news of Jesus.
We believe that there are four pillars that underpin all that God has called us to do as a church and as individuals. These pillars are:

God Centred
Jesus made it possible to be friends with God and have Him at the centre of our lives.
We see a church that is continuously filled with the presence of God in all that it does, empowered and led by His Spirit and through His word, the Bible. A church where people experience the fullness of God’s power and love in their lives and where healing and other miracles are consistently evident.
We are called to community, to express our faith together.
We see a church that is an inclusive community of people from all generations and cultures, connected through their faith in Jesus Christ. In this community people from every walk of life and background can experience love and restoration, are seen as important, and are fully committed to play their part and bring their individual gifting to benefit the whole.


We are to be the hands and feet of God in Herefordshire, the nation and the world.
We see a church, significant both in size and influence. A church that reaches out to the local community, and beyond, in practical ways, spreading the good news of Jesus and growing through the addition of new Christians. We see this church sending out missionaries locally, nationally and internationally as well as planting and growing new churches.
We desire inner transformation, life-long growth.
We see a church where every person has the potential to grow and develop in their faith, and is trained and equipped for life and ministry, enabling them to fulfil their God given destinies. A church where we see God’s Spirit actively transforming lives to make people more like Jesus. A church that is called to act as a resource for the wider church community in Hereford, and beyond.

Our vision is to plant churches throughout the county of Herefordshire.




Reaching hearts, transforming communities
Our vision is to make disciples that are characterised by, putting CHRIST AT THE CENTRE of their lives, CONNECTING in community, GROWING in their lives and faith and are REACHING out with the good news of Jesus.
We believe that there are four pillars that underpin all that God has called us to do as a church and as individuals. These pillars are:

God Centred
Jesus made it possible to be friends with God and have Him at the centre of our lives.
We see a church that is continuously filled with the presence of God in all that it does, empowered and led by His Spirit and through His word, the Bible. A church where people experience the fullness of God’s power and love in their lives and where healing and other miracles are consistently evident.

We are called to community, to express our faith together.
We see a church that is an inclusive community of people from all generations and cultures, connected through their faith in Jesus Christ. In this community people from every walk of life and background can experience love and restoration, are seen as important, and are fully committed to play their part and bring their individual gifting to benefit the whole.

We are to be the hands and feet of God in Herefordshire, the nation and the world.
We see a church, significant both in size and influence. A church that reaches out to the local community, and beyond, in practical ways, spreading the good news of Jesus and growing through the addition of new Christians. We see this church sending out missionaries locally, nationally and internationally as well as planting and growing new churches.

We are called to community, to express our faith together.
We see a church where every person has the potential to grow and develop in their faith, and is trained and equipped for life and ministry, enabling them to fulfil their God given destinies. A church where we see God’s Spirit actively transforming lives to make people more like Jesus. A church that is called to act as a resource for the wider church community in Hereford, and beyond.
Our vision is to plant churches throughout the county of Herefordshire.