It is a busy world. All rush and bustle. A carousel of demands and responsibilities. We are all pressed in various ways in terms of our time and energies. It is all too easy to give in to the tyranny of the hundreds of calls for our immediate attention…some legitimate…some less so. In it all, our time apart with Father God, our time to find a space to relax a little…time to sleep….watch the Spring unfold…to delight in the frosted cobweb….to count the stars…to breathe in the cool air…cheeks pink with the effort of making it to the top of a local hill to gain fresh perspective…all these recreation times evaporate around us. And so we fail to be re-freshed….re-energised…re-created.
God loves us SO Much….we are….YOU are…. His Treasure ! He is always close to us. His breath is on our cheek. He wants us to learn to value ourselves as He values us. To gift to ourselves the silences we need….the times alone with Him….the endless stars…..the quiet cup of coffee in the morning watching the mists lift and the daffodils unfold….the joy of an uninterrupted chapter of a favourite book. Even if only for 15 minutes a day.
We truly do have many responsibilities and calls on our time that Father does not ever intend us to default on. However, He also tells us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Who among us would not encourage others that we notice are pressed and pressured to rest….to take a break….book a holiday….to give themselves the gift of a little time out. YOU are no less precious in His sight. Receive His gift of recreation and be re-created….re-freshed and renewed
Be Blessed
Shirley Cooke