Matthew 16:14-20 I am just focussing on one part of this text that is verse 15. Where Jesus Knowing the hearts of the Sadducees and Pharisees, He then turns to his disciples and asks them, ‘who do you say I am?” They answer, some say, your are: John the Baptise, others Elijah and Jeremiah. Only one Simon Peter, says, “ You are the Messiah, the son of the living God”. Of which Jesus replies, “ Blessed are you, for this was not revealed to you by Flesh and Blood, but by the Father in Heaven…
While reading this recently my heart was drawn to ‘who do you say I am”, as I pondered on this, I remembered who people say that I am. Over the course of my life I have had people speak over me who they think I am, these have ranged from, thick, stupid, nobody, never amount to anything, arrogant, self righteous, etc. etc. Words have such an impact that I believed what was said about me.
So I asked the Lord, Who do you say I am? His reply took me by surprise, (He imparted Awesome things) all were positive and loving. Not one negative, soul-destroying word in any part of what he said. I was overwhelmed with who he says I am and his Love for me.
Then another thought occurred to me, what if we as his children who are called by his name, started to imitate our Father by only imparting his Truth instead of Lies, Love instead of hurt, Positivity instead of negativity, Identity instead of division, to pick people up when they are down, not to gossip about each other but encourage one another. Wow that would be awesome.
Then I asked him, is this ever possible? “ Yes papa replied, When you are Loved and truly know my Love for you, then it is possible to over look an offense, to forgive easily, this is why I sent my Holy Spirit to guide you and comfort you into all truth, that is why I gave prophesy, to build and edify my children. Then when you LOVE each other as I have loved you, the world will know that you are mine. So let us Love one another so we can emulate the presence of our Awesome Papa God and direct the Lost to him through Jesus. Then God will be able to trust us with his precious Gems that are the end time Harvest.
Dianne Taylor