The lyrics of this song are great. As a Christian I believe we have the words to change a nation, in fact our nation has been shaped on Christianity, to deny that would be to deny history. The [...]
Listening to the single How do we by Rita Ora She sings about partying, drinking and having sex. Tearing up the town. I used to live life this way. Living for the party. It was all about getting [...]
Listening to the single Bom Bom by Sam and the womp Love the tune, its one that I cant help but tap my foot to the beat. It reminds me of a Mediterranean club I used to go to in Bournemouth. Bar [...]
I have just returned from Newday 2012 a youth camp for 12-19 year olds. There has been some amazing teaching. I have seen many healing’s take place, not just on the stage but also within [...]
What are humans made for? I came across a great illustration by a guy called John Stott. Take a fish for example God created to live and thrive in water Salt Fresh It has gills that cause it to [...]