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Brazil day 15

We met at the main church building to say goodbye to Jason as he managed to get a lift back to the first city where he is living a 6hr journey. We gathered around him and prayed for him. We then [...]

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Brazil day 14

We travelled 200 k in coverted VW camper vans, 9 seater, they call them combi’s. Was an interesting trip. We were heading for a place called Pirenopolis to a nature reserve. Before we could [...]

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Brazil day 13

The hosts we are with here seem to be very laid back. They run well behind time but don’t seem to worry. God is really testing my patience with this. Yesterday we were 30 minutes late for [...]

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Brazil day 12

A long bus journey in a great bus and we made it to the church. It’s similar to clc perhaps slightly narrower and set up long ways. We had a chat about the next 5 days schedule, which is [...]

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Brazil day 11

Sorry this blog is slightly later, getting internet has been more challenging. Today we had a more relaxing schedule. We got dropped off at our meeting point and then travelled 30min up the road [...]

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Brazil day 10

So we packed our bags and said farewell. A 2 and a half hour journey to Morrinhos. The roads here are not good, in all fairness they are working to improve them. The driver would swerve to avoid [...]

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Brazil day 9

We started the day with football, whilst the rest of The team either slept or were with their hosts. Today is our last day in the city before we move on. It’s not a busy day with just a [...]

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